I am proud to be working with...

My journey conquering the planet's extremes

The North Pole (April 2013)

On the 5th of April 2013, I undertook the hardest journey of my life...trekking the North Pole!

Mount Kilimanjaro (Sept 2013)

The highest mountain in Africa, and the highest free-standing mountain in the world at 5,895 metres.

Aconcagua expedition (Jan 2014)

22,837 feet high - the Earth's scariest summit with the highest death toll.

Mount Everest (April 2014)

The Earth's highest mountain, with a peak at 29,029 feet.

If you're heart isn't beating with passion....then you're not truly living.

My training, preparation and gear

Find out all about how I prepare and train for these challenges, what gear I use and my fitness plan and diet.

My time in the chiller (Dec 2013)

Spending long periods in a blast freezer is a great way to acclimatise to temperatures below minus 40 degees. Thanks to AM Seafoods and CRS Cold Storage...


"Carl's motivation, strength and determination is astounding. We feel privileged to have Carl on board with T.E.A.M to help us raise money for children, raise our charity's profile and to inspire others." - Marc McLean

Mount Everest (April 2014)

The Earth's highest mountain, with a peak at 29,029 feet.